Aktuálně Publikováno: 17. 4. 2014


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA) a University of Upsala Vás zvou na přednášku

Patricia Mindus

The Functional Correlation Thesis: Some Fundamental Challenges of Citizenship – in the EU and Beyond

Datum: 15. 4. 2014 v 10.00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, zasedací místnost, 7. patro

Přihlášky: agha@ilaw.cas.cz

Citizenship is a key mechanism of inclusion and exclusion that has attracted growing attention and is destined to become increasingly decisive as international migration is driven up by economic, political, demographic and climate factors. Today some 2,9% of the world population live outside their country of origin; in 2011, 6.6% of the EU27 population was foreign-born, making the EU a fascinating case to study. Yet we know little about the impact of migration on political systems in the long run and the dynamics of citizenship in a cross-national and interdisciplinary perspective. Cutting edge today means developing a framework going beyond the complex legal and technical specificities of single countries to see the big picture. I am interested in designing theory development so as to gain a framework that grasps citizenship by accounting for the different models present in today’s debate. Indeed, there are different models of citizenship operating in different SSH-fields. These models, merging in today’s debate, can be accounted for by looking at the opposite of citizenry: a citizen is the opposite of the politically powerless subject (political model); the one who does not belong to a given legal order, i.e. both the foreigner and the stateless (legal model); the marginalized or excluded person who does not fully belong to the community (social model). None of these models can singlehandedly work as yardstick for the only ‘true’ citizenship. The core idea is to test the functional correlation between criteria determining access to the status and type of entitlements it consists in. This insight works for all three models: there is a functional correlation at the heart of ‘citizenship’ no matter if legal, political or generally social. I would like to discuss the risks and gains of this approach as well as the plausibility of the theoretical assumptions it builds on.