Aktuálně Publikováno: 17. 11. 2012


Ústav sociálních věd - Ústavní právních věd Maďarské AV a Ústav státu a práva AV ČR pořádají konferenci na téma

Historical and Written Constitutions: Past and Present

pod záštitou prof. Dr. Péter Paczolay CSc., prezidenta maďarského Ústavního soudu.

Budapest, 27. listopadu 2012

Ústav právních věd MAV, konferenční sál 2. patro, č. dv. 28, 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.


9. 00. – 9.30.

Prof Dr. Vanda Lamm DSc., Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Péter Paczolay CSc., President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

1st Session

9.30 – 11. 10.


Dr. habil. Tamás Nótári PhD.(Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences – KRE Budapest)

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szente DSc.(Faculty of Law, University of István Széchenyi, Győr)

The doctrine of the Holy Crown in the Historical Constitution of Hungary

Dr. habil. Iván Halász PhD - Dr. Gábor Schweitzer PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences – NKE - ELTE, Budapest)

The Hungarian Historical Constitution as a Legislative Procedure and Material Law

JUDr. Michal Šejvl PhD (Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

From Written Constitution Towards Organic Constitution? The Case of the Czech Republic

JUDr. Petr Agha PhD (Institute of the State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Organic Constitution: What Should We Do with Our Constitution?

2nd Session 11.30. – 13. 10.


Dr. Balázs Fekete PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences – PPKE Budapest)

JUDr. Vilém Knoll PhD (Faculty of Law, West Bohemian University, Plzeň)

The Bohemian Confederation A. D. 1619 – the Experience of the Feudal Czech

Written Constitution

Doc. JUDr. Karel Schelle CSc. – JUDr. Renata Veselá PhD. (Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno)

The Historical State Law Program and the Czech Policy in the 19th Century.

Dr. habil. Tamás Nótári PhD. (Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences –

KRE Budapest)

Cum Dignitate Otium – Basic Values int he Cicero’s Theory of State

Dr. György Képes PhD (Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

Written Constitutions in the Scandinavian Monarchies in the 19th Century

13.10. Discussion and Farewell