2008 Programme
Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
an international law theory conference
Date of venue: 11. - 13.6.2008
Location of event: Znojmo, Loucký Monastery
The conference is held for the purpose of developing a long-term platform to identify main issues in the area of law in the Central Europe. We expect that similar meeting should be held every two years.
The objective of this conference should be creation of a basic conception on common issues of law in the participating countries, as well as their causes and articulation of prospective recommendations. The below proposed areas are mere recommendations and in no way they should limit the conference contributors. However, we would much welcome synthetic contributions on the status and main issues of law in individual countries represented at the conference.
The conference should create a permanent committee, which would mediate contacts among lawyers of the participating countries, recommend specialists for common issue areas and propose topics for the next convention.
Proposed topical areas:
1. History, theory and methodology (historical roots, methodological issues of description of the law status in the Central Europe), generally theoretical reflection of issues of law in the Central Europe (both common and specific),
2. Legislation (quantitative description, law-making, legislative techniques, etc.),
3. Justice system (with a special focus on constitutional justice),
4. State administration and self-government,
5. Private law,
6. Minorities and an attitude towards them,
7. Connections with the EU law.
Working languages: Czech, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian
The contributions will be published in the proceedings in the Czech, Slovak and English languages.
Applications along with the confirmation on payment of the conference fee and, as the case may be, a title of your contribution, send to the address of Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, v.v.i. (Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Národní 18, 116 00 Prague 1, fax 224 933 056, or an e-mail: konferenceznojmo@ilaw.cas.cz, by
30.4.2008, at the latest.
The conference fee amounts to CZK 2,000.- incl. VAT.
It includes costs associated with holding the conference and the boarding-out allowance; does not include accommodation costs (breakfast as a part of accommodation) – for more details see the attached application.
Wednesday 11. 6. 2008
Loucký Monastery
Velká galerie (Big Gallery)
14.00 - 16.00 o’clock. Introduction a the 1st topical area – History, theory, metodology, legislation
16.00 - 16.20 hod. coffee break
16.20 - 18.00 o´clock 1st topical area – History, theory, methodology, legislation - continuation
20.00 o´clock Loucký Monastery – wine cellars tour with wine tasting and a subsequent banquet.
Thursday 12. 6. 2008
Loucký Monastery
Velká galerie (Big Gallery)
10.00 - 11.20 o’clock 1st topical area – History, theory, methodology, legislation - continuation
11.20 - 11.40 o´clock coffee break
11.40 - 13.00 o’clock 1st topical area – History, theory, methodology, legislation - continuation
13.00 - 14.15 o’clock. lunch (Restaurant in the area of Louka swimming pool)
14.15 - 15.50 hod. 2nd topical area – Justice system and private law
15.50 - 16.15 o’clock coffee break
16.15 - 17.30 o’clock 2nd topical area – Justice system and private law - continuation
Loucký Monastery
Small hall
14.15 - 15.50 o’clock Metamorphoses of the public administration – 1st part
15.50 - 16.15 o’clock coffee break
16.15 - 17.30 o’clock Metamorphoses of the public administration – 2nd part
18.00 o’clock dinner (Restaurant in the area of Louka swimming pool)
19.00 o´clock and 20.00 o´clock trip around Znojmo by the sightseeing train
20.00 o´clock Nový Šaldorf – meeting at the wine cellar
Friday 13. 6. 2008
Loucký Monastery
Velká galerie (Big Gallery)
10.00 - 11.20 o´clock 3rd topical area – National law and EC/EU law
11.20 - 11.40 o´clock coffee break
10.00 - 11.20 o’clock 3rd topical area – National law and EC/EU law - continuation
13.00 - 14.15 o’clock. lunch (Restaurant in the area of Louka swimming pool)
Wednesday 11. 6. 2008
Velká galerie (Big Gallery)
14.00 - 16.00 o’clock.
JUDr. Jaroslav Zachariáš, CSc., director of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i and the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
1st topical area - History, theory, methodology, legislation
1. Constitutionality of constitutional acts
prof. JUDr. Alexander Bröstl, CSc. (PF UPJŠ)
2. Post modern challenges of law
Mgr. PhDr. Martin Škop, PhD. (PF MU Brno)
3. Political changes and constitutional continuity
prof. Dr. Wojciech Sokolewicz (Polská AV)
4. Hyperthrophy of the codes of ethics for legal professions
JUDr. PhDr. Stanislav Balík (Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, FPR ZČU)
16.00 - 16.20 hod. coffee break
16.20 - 18.00 o’clock
5. Metamorphoses of the Czech legal order from the quantitative perspective (facts and speculations)
JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc. (ÚSP AV ČR, FPR ZČU)
6. Polish Constitution from 1997 and the European Union – critical reflection
prof. Dr. Maria Kruk (Polish Academy of Science)
7. Execution of a decision of the Polish Constitutional Court
prof. Dr. Jan Wawrzyniak (Polish Academy of Science)
8. Concept of a nation and its manifestations in legal systems of the Visegrad countries
doc. Dr. Ivan Halász, Ph.D. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Organizers invite all participants of the conference to evening program:
Wine cellars tour of the Loucký monastery connected with the wine tasting and the subsequent banquet.
Thursday 12. 6. 2008
Velká galerie (Big Gallery)
10.00 - 11.20 o’clock
9. Market economy as a prerequisite for human rights
Prof. Dr. Michael Bogdan (University in Lund, Sweden)
10. Contemporary directions of argumentation theory
JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. (ÚSP AV ČR and FPR ZČU)
11. Metamorphoses of legal history and law in force
JUDr. Vilém Knoll, Ph.D. (FPR ZČU
12. Preparation of lawyers in Hungary before the year of 1918
Dr. Gábor Schweitzer (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
11.20 - 11.40 o’clock coffee break
11.40 - 13.00 o’clock
13. Changes of legislation on the basis of quantitative indicators
JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc. (ÚSP AV ČR, FPR ZČU)
14. On the issues of law-making
JUDr. Dušan Nikodým, CSc. (ÚŠP SAV)
15. Current problems of methodology of private law
JUDr. Filip Melzer, PhD., LL.M. (PF UP)
13.00 - 14.15 o’clock
2nd topical area – Judicial system and private law
14.15 - 15.50 o’clock
16. Increase of power of constitutional courts – limits and obstacles
JUDr. Ladislav Orosz (Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic)
17. Constitutionality test of regulations
JUDr. Ludmila Gajdošíková, CSc. (Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic a ÚŠP SAV)
18. In what judicial power consists?
prof. JUDr. Ján Svák, CSc. (University of Law in Bratislava)
19. Judicial decision-making at the door of constitutional and integration disbalance
JUDr. Miroslav Slašťan, PhD. (VŠ Banská Bystrica)
15.50 - 16.15 o’clock coffee break
16.15 - 17.30 o’clock
20. Legal question: hope, or curse of the Czech Supreme Court in civil disputes
JUDr. Ludvík David, CSc. (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)
21. Current problems of legal regulation of the civil procedure in the Czech Republic
JUDr. Renata Šínová, PhD. (PF UP)
22. The public prosecutor’s office in the legal order of the Slovak Republic
JUDr. Štefan Beneč (Regional public prosecutor’s office, Košice)
23. Current changes in labor law of the SR after amendment of the Labor code JUDr. Peter Demek, PhD. (FVS UPJŠ)
A number of registered contributions has exceeded a schedule of the conference.
The organizers therefore apologize to all participants, whose contribution has not be included in the program. .
All registered contributions will be included in the planned conference proceedings.
A time limit of 15 minutes shall apply to individual presented contributions. A center of discussion will be in the lobbies.
Conference moderated by
JUDr. PhDr. Zdeněk Masopust, DrSc. (ÚSP AV ČR, FPR ZČU)
Proceeding of the colloquy „Metamorphosis of the public administration“ moderated by
JUDr. Tomáš Louda, CSc. (ÚSP AV ČR and FPR ZČU)