Legislation of the Czech Republic in 2011 – a Quantitative Overview
Czech original: Legislativa ČR v roce 2011 - kvantitativní přehled
The article presents, for the fifth time (annually since 2007), a quantitative description of the status and development of the Czech legislation. The official legislative documents of the Czech Republic (Collection of Laws and Collection of International Treaties of the Czech Republic) are the basic source of primary data collection; the author works with the support of a legal information system called Lex Galaxy. The state and development of the Czech legislation is observed and presented by standard predefined indicators, which focus mainly on the formal structure of legislative documents, emphasizing the perspective of the application of the principle of the sovereignty of the law and its role in legislation generally, as well as the description of the sectoral structure of the Czech legislation, the importance and application of international political and legal influence on the legislation of the Czech Republic, including its integration into the EU and ultimately to capture changes in the factor of change represented by the amending legislation activity. This article is enriched with a broader comparative perspective covering the last 5 years, during which regular monitoring of the Czech legislation was carried out (the results are confronted with the data from the years 2007 to 2011). This is the initial description and superficial comparison between individual years. The processing of other deeper analytical studies, by the author of this article, as was the case in the previous years, is expected.
Czech original: Článek přináší základní kvantitativní popis české legislativy, jak se vyvíjela v roce 2011 a stav, ke kterému dospěla k uvedeného roku. Je produktem pravidelného monitoringu legislativy ČR, jenž je dlouhodobě prováděn Ústavem státu a práva a jehož výsledky jsou od roku 2007 pravidelně publikovány v tomto časopisu.