Lecture Published: 8. 11. 2019

Climatic change as a new type of challenge to international and national laws

A climatic change represents an extremely difficult challenge to the law because it requires regulation across many legal branches, as well as cooperation among states. The lecture explains which aspects of the yet emerging legislations are the hardest nuts to crack and draws attention to several litigations already pending owing to the climatic change, for example, to the case of Peruvian farmer Lluiy who has decided, as a result of a melting iceberg the water of which threatens to destroy his land, to sue the German energy giant RWE.

More information and reservation can be found at: http://www.tydenvedy.cz/program/akce?id=2684&a=klimaticka-zmena-jako-novy-typ-vyzvy-pro-mezinarodni-i-vnitrostatni-pravo