The Problems of application of EU Law in Central European Perspective Editors: Michal Šejvl Lenka Vostrá Contents Preface Recent Developments in the Constitutional Jurisprudence on EC Law Bedanna Bapuly The Constitution of Poland and EU Law: Caught between the European Aspirations and the Imperatives of the National Sovereignty? Jan Malíř European Law and Czech Administrative Judiciary: Three Years after Filip Křepelka Citizens, Aliens and Rights in the Visegrad´s Countries after 1989 Ivan Halász The Case Law of European Court of Justice on EU Citizenship: Martinez Sala Revisited Pavel Hamerník The Case Law of European Court of Justice on National Procedural Autonomy: Res Judicata after Lucchini Case Michal Šejvl Strict Liability of the Medical Malpractice Problems? Comparative and European Perspective Tomáš Doležal Regulatory Framework of the Electronic Discovery and Evidence in the Czech Republic Ján Matejka Enlargement and EU´s Common Commercial Policy Balazs Horváthy EU Company Law Regulation – Simplify or Repeal? Bohumil Havel Transposition of the Institute of Consumer Contracts into the Legal Systém of the Slovak Republic and Selected Application Problems Milan Hodás Consumer Contracts in the Czech Civil Law Milan Hulmák List of Contributors